Saturday, 4 January 2014

Where are you going?

Its a Happy Happy New Year...

First week of the year almost comes to an end... so what have you done? Surely, like me even you must be giving yourself enough excuses for NOT completing your last year's resolution and deciding to may be giving them up or completing it this time any how. Well that is something we'll keep doing all our lives.....

But have you thought where are you actually going?? Are you following your dreams or just walking on a path decided by others for you or may be you dont even know where you really wanna go.
I recently met a couple of people who are doing good at their work, but when i asked them 'where are they going?' they didn't know, because they actually never thought about it. They are following the lame rules laid by the society to merely being settle down in life. 'Settle Down?', what the hell does it mean anyways. Getting a good job, working all day in closed cabin, sit on facebook in the night liking and commenting on others photographs and go to sleep. I mean do you really wanna do it? ask yourself. And if not what have you done towards it, I know all may be having the same cliche reasons of family pressure and others doing earning more and blah blah blah. But what about your dreams? The ones which you saw during school and college. The ones which you lived with your friends. Have you never thought about them?

But to my amaze many people I met don't have those Goals. They are just walking, not knowing where they gonna reach. Atleast I am happy and proud that I am chasing my dreams. I read it somewhere 'Once a man was walking on the road and he saw a wise old man sitting on a bench, he went to him and asked "where does this road lead to?", the old man asked him 'where did he wanted to go?' and the man replied "I dont know." The old man smiled and said "Then how does it matter where this road lead to...".' When you dont know where you wanna go, all the roads are the same, Leading you to nowhere.

Think for a second if a goal post is removed from a soccer game, will it still be interesting? First thing we''ll ask is "what the hell are they playing for". Ask this same question to yourself "What are you playing for?". Have a goal and dream big. Only then you can start working for it else you will be still in those millions who are 'JUST WALKING'.